Detox Days 4-6: Juicing-just liquids (Recipes included)

It softens the blow to my mind if I can have more than one kind of drink. I drink as I'm hungry (or it's been four hours max), making sure to have plenty of water and herbal tea in between to help flush out the toxins. I think it's about 4-12 oz that I drink in a serving depending how much tummy growled. I didn't remember how full a juice can make you feel!

Recommend if you have somewhere to be in the morning to rinse and cut your produce the night before to help save time. Before you start the detox or at least before getting to the juicing part, research places that have juice drinks in case you run late/are out and need something. I have been told Starbucks carries a bottled juice product by my co-worker. If you're near certain San Diego farmer's market, Green Fix Smoothie has a lot of fans. I have one of these Robek's store (chain) by my house and most people probably would already think of Jamba Juice. Another friend recommends San Diego Blenders in El Cajon or Mission Valley area.

 Here's a sample plan, to help give you ideas. For just juicing for me I overbought! I'm going to end up with 5 oranges, 1 entire celery bunch, 1/2 bundle of kale and 2 cucumbers left. I guess it can't hurt to have juicing for a snack or meal the next few days when I reincorporate solid foods. I just have so much pulp now in my freezer I don't know what to do with it all. Dave thinks toss it. Normally I put 1/4 cup in my protein pancakes. Any ideas? No, don't have a worm bin yet. I will add buying these supplies to my Indian grocery mart and Indian meal trip for mid-June! Making deadlines can help and telling other people your plans for accountability can put a plan to action. Bug me about it, readers!

<------The BEFORE  picture of Juice #2
AFTER: Drink #2 Swampy

Day 4
#1 Carrot-orange-ginger-kale (1 carrot, 2 oranges, sliver of ginger, 2 kale leave/stems) : I took it with me on a five mile hike with an ice pack. For some reason got really bitter. Sometimes my fresh squeezed OJ gets bitter if left alone for a few hours. Maybe it was the ginger. Not my favorite b/c of the bitter. Made enough for one serving.

#2 Carrot-orange-kale-beet greens: (did 2 large carrots, 5 small oranges, 1 bundle each of beet greens and kale) Non-bitter for unknown reasons! The greens were very strong the first day, but taste better to me the next day. Made enough to fill one cariff (about 5 servings) and 1 serving.

Plain OJ

Day 5:
Drink #3-My favorite"-Canta" wait to sip on this. n'yuck, n'yuck,
#3 Carrot-cantalope-cucumber (2 large carrots, 1/2 cantalope, 2 cucumber): my favorite juice so far. The melon almost tastes creamy! This made enough to fill one cariff..

leftover of #2

plain OJ

#4: Natural (sugar) high-beets have a high sugar content, antioxidants and folic acid.

Day 6:
Leftovers of #2 and #3

#4 Beet-kale-orange (4 small oranges, 1 beet, 4 kale leaves) for two servings: Overall very sweet and easy to drink. Thanks to my friend Ann's advice, add a little beet at a time as it can have a strong flavor. I was quite happy with just having the beet as an aftertaste. Every now and then I pick up the book "How Carrots Won the Trojan War" by Rebecca Rupp for some interesting history/facts about various fruits and veggies. In regards to beets, most notable to me that it was once believed beets could be reddened by watering with leftover sediment from making red wine. In actuality, red comes from betacyanin. Ability to metabolize betacyanin in some people doesn't work as it should and can lead to pink piddle. So don't be alarmed in the bathroom. 

Plain OJ

One last tip, carry a travel toothbrush with you if you're going to be at work all day. The juices made a film on my teeth.

Have any favorite funny food facts?

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