Getting Started (finally)

I've been promising myself to start a blog of some sort for over a year. The main excuse has always been that my work requires 90% of my time hunched over a computer screen and so I hadn't wanted to spent my free time with a glowing monitor either. But then I realized how much time I spent bouncing around on Facebook and this month on my annual meet-up in foodie-loving Portland, got inspired by my friend Yanny to just dive right in and go for a food blog (health and craft one could come later). 

Since I don't see myself making a change in jobs within the year, I won't worry if the themes/tabs/text are perfect. I just want to share both my own food experiments and testing others' recipes in aiming for wellness for the body and environment through what I eat. For now the goal is a monthly update. I participate in a CSA (community-supported agriculture) called Suzie's Farm so I can get creative working within the parameters my detox diet and with grower-selected veggies that are seasonal, fresh and local.

This week I got tomatillos for the first time. A few years back I tried a friend's party-on-your-tongue roasted tomatillo salsa. Wondering what other good recipes you've tried. Open to ideas and I'll post the results.

Thanks for the push, Yanny!  Now help keep me accountable!

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